Benefits Of Registering A Trademark In The UK
Let's go over the big benefits of registering a trademark in the UK. In the United Kingdom, which has recently left the European Union, this registration is now only available through a national procedure or through the Madrid system. It is no longer possible to register a trademark in the U.K. using the EU trademark registration.
Your trademark must be unique. It may include:
• words
• sounds
• logos
• colors
• a combination of any of these
Your trademark may not:
- Be offensive, such as containing obscene words or pornographic images
- Describe the goods or services to which it will apply, e.g., the word "candy" cannot be a trademark for a candy company
- misleading, such as using the word "organic" for products that are not organic
- be three dimensional in shape, associated with your brand, e.g., use the shape of a cucumber for a cucumber
- Be too general and indistinguishable, e.g., be a simple statement such as 'we specify the purpose."
- Too similar to state symbols, such as flags or coats of arms, according to World Intellectual Property Organization guidelines.
Serial Applications
If you have similar versions of your trademark, you can file a series of applications for up to six marks.
All of your marks must:
- look the same
- sound the same
- Mean the same
Any differences must be minor.
Who Can Register A Trademark In The UK And How Can I Do It?
Trademark registration is available to both individuals and companies. Nationality or country of registration does not play a role. Residents of the UK and other countries can apply. For non-residents there is an option to apply exclusively through a patent attorney accredited in the country.
The international patent agency "Profitmark" has contracts with several official UK patent attorneys. This makes it possible to represent customers from all over the world and successfully go through the trademark registration procedure.
To start the process it is enough to fill in an online application form on our website. Select the type of mark based on the type of your designation, and specify the class for goods and services in which you wish to be registered. Each mark is registered for a specific activity, for the specific goods or services for which it will later be used.
You must search the trademark database before submitting your application to see if anyone has registered an identical or similar trademark for the same or similar goods or services.
Once you apply, you cannot change your trademark, and no fees are refundable.
Time And Cost Of Trademark Registration In The United Kingdom
The United Kingdom Patent Office reviews the application and issues the title of protection. An application undergoes a number of checks and examinations before a decision on registration is made. During this process, the brand is checked for compliance with all legal requirements. In addition, the law provides for a procedure of filing an opposition against registration by third parties. In case the designation violates someone's rights, a company or an individual may protest against such registration.
You will receive feedback on your application ("verification report") within 12 weeks (60 business days) and you have 2 months to resolve any problems.
If the examiner has no objections, your application will be published in the trademark journal for 2 months, during which time anyone can object to it.
Your trademark will be registered when the objections are resolved - you will receive a certificate confirming this.
The cost of a standard application (online) is 170 Ft. Each additional class will cost you £50.
Trademark Renewal In The UK
Once your trademark is registered, you must report any changes to your name, address, or email address.
You may object to the use of other owners' trademarks, for example, if you think they are identical or similar to yours.
You may sell, license and mortgage your trademark. Your trademark is valid for 10 years - after that time, you can renew it.