Thousands of brand new blogs are created every day and network marketing is almost a trillion dollar industry globally. You do the math, because those numbers are too large to ignore. There are many people blogging about network marketing, direct sales, and multi-level marketing but there are only a few dozen that provide true value for MLMers. Find out who the Top 30 MLM Blogs are for 2025 below so you too can succeed in the world of network marketing and direct selling.
There are many powerful network marketers out there that have phenomenal blogs influencing the MLM industry. But then again there are also a lot of MLM blogs abandoned in the vast internet graveyard from network marketers that gave up after a matter of weeks or months. They never became MLM influencers, so they aren't included in this top blogger roundup.
Blogging is a very powerful tool for network marketers to get unlimited leads through “Attraction Marketing.” Top MLM blogs are especially important for recruiting network marketing downlines. Content is still king when it comes to building a downline, selling products, and educating your network marketing team.
I have ranked the Top 30 best MLM Blogs of 2025 for your reference. This gives you an accurate picture of which network marketer dominates the MLM blogosphere.
30 Top MLM Blogs And Best Network Marketing Bloggers Of 2025
1. Mike Schiemer - MyFrugalBusiness.com
Mike Schiemer is one of the best MLM bloggers on the blogging scene today. Michael Schiemer is a network marketing veteran of 3 MLM companies in his past life, and a content marketing consultant for multiple MLM distributors. He has recently written extensively on the MLM and direct selling industry on multiple websites.
Michael J Schiemer even invests in some MLM stocks. His blog posts and articles will make you a better multi-level marketer and direct sales professional! Join his new team today.
2. Matt Remorino - MattRemorino.com
Matt Remorino went from Branch Manager to full-time network marketer within five years. Network marketing came to Matt just before he hemorrhaged from debt. He said it’s much easier today to do network marketing because systems can be duplicated online easier. His top MLM blog is also motivational and Jim Rohn inspired.
3. Marsha Godwin - MLMBlogTraining.com
Marsha Godwin was a Corporate Executive with a Fortune 100 for over 12 years when she then took a leap of faith and went into home-based Entrepreneurship. She created her MLM blog to help others get online as well. She features her Blog Blueprint to give people step by step the processes of starting one of the best MLM blogs in the world.
4. Ray Higdon And Jessica Higdon - RayHigdon.com
Everyone knows Ray Higdon is one of the most successful MLM businessmen of all time. He is a best-selling author, consultant, speaker, and network marketing influencer with multi-million dollar earnings. Ray Higdon is currently the owner of Higdon Group and has recruited the top MLM business owners in India, USA, Canada, Australia, Canada, Africa, South America, and Europe.
His wife Jessica Higdon has had success in her own right as well. She is the creator of the very successful 10k Social Media Recruiting Formula. Her blog details testimonials of the great results her clients have had recruiting locally with Facebook. At one time, she had to work at Nordstrom until her husband, Ray Higdon, launched his MLM business successfully, and you might know where that got them (rich). She now works as a successful Realtor selling luxury properties after retiring from network marketing. Now you can learn from their MLM success story on their top multi-level marketing blog! Ramp up your MLM ROI with Ray Higdon and his blog contents!
5. Erik Christian Johnson - CheapMLMLeads.com & YouTube.com
Erik Christian Johnson is a top MLM blogger and vlogger with experience recruiting nearly 4,500 distributors into his downlines and thousands more leads generated. His top MLM blogs discuss his successes and failures with half a dozen top MLM companies over nearly a decade after retiring from his line cooking career. He currently works with Matrix Empire, David Allen Capital, and Against All Odds with previous stints in My Daily Choice, Valentus, and OLSP. His most recent success story is with brand new MLM company LiveGood where he has already achieved Diamond status within the first several months. Aside from network marketing, he also blogs and vlogs about confidence and mental health in the MLM industry.
His MLM and affiliate marketing blog posts are helpful for your network marketing success and overall wellbeing. Subscribe to his YouTube Channel and visit the Cheap MLM Leads Blog for free helpful tips in 2025 along with his other sites like LoanBrokerOpportunity.com and AddictionFreed.com.
6. Matt Zavadil - MattZavadil.com
At one point, Matt Zavadil was near bankruptcy and had to try and explain to his wife why they weren’t achieving their dreams. Now, Matt helps people who want to become online successes. He is all about firing the “boss” in his helpful network blog as a top MLM blogger. Learn the multi-level marketing and direct selling business from this pro blogger today!
7. Lucy Bieri - 101NetworkMarketingOnline.com
Lucy Bieri has been a successful network marketing specialist for over a decade. Her MLM blog has many resources for people interested in network marketing, so take a look at this leading multi-level marketing blog right now!
8. Lisa Torres Allen - LisaTorresSpeaks.com
Lisa Torres Allen has been a fighter all her life. She and her family struggled to make ends meet in a tight Bronx apartment. Lisa spent three hours on the express train everyday to work as a new accounts officer at a Canadian bank in NYC, but hated every minute of it.
She had also been in network marketing for 18 years but could never break through the financial barrier that her money blueprint dictated, until she got a mentor. Luckily, she got laid off from her job and got unemployment for two years. Instead of going back to work after two years, she launched successfully full-time into network marketing. Now, she helps others achieve their dream with her top multi-level marketing blog.
9. Melodie Kantner - MelodieKantner.com
Melodie Kantner has been in network marketing for over 20 years. She specializes in EFT, or Emotional Freedom Techniques, which is a type of psychological acupressure which entails tapping on certain acupuncture points. She also helps network marketers with self-esteem issues. Her MLM business blog is very informative with a soothing, nurturing feeling.
10. John Melton - RealJohnMelton.com
John Melton began network marketing in his early 20’s. The company unfortunately went out of business, but the mentoring and self-development he learned in that network marketing company led him to be a top producer in the mortgage industry, earning $250k a year. Unfortunately, the Mortgage industry collapsed, but John had a love for network marketing and went back and dominated. He now helps others achieve success in this exciting fast growth multi-level marketing profession.
11. Christopher Hussey - ChristopherHussey.com
Chris Hussey is a hard hitting speaker who has been a Marine to a top couples dancer to a network marketer and affiliate marketer. His great MLM blog and website give top tips and techniques on how to generate leads, use social media effectively and create a successful brand.
12. Kathleen Deggelman - KathleenDeggelman.com
After being in Corporate America for 20 years, Kathleen Deggelman discovered network marketing and fell in love with the idea of being her own boss. In her first 4 years, Kathleen created an organization of 70,000 distributors and went on to be the only woman to do that in her company. Now, she helps others succeed as well with her top ranked MLM blog.
13. Anton Amoto - AntonAmoto.com
Anton Amoto is from Bohol, Philippines. He is a Google Adsense expert and loves network marketing. He helps people online what are legitimate opportunities and which ones are scams on his top MLM blog. He is also skilled in Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, Affiliate Marketing and Network Marketing. Read his MLM blog for additional advice and insights!
14. John Haremza - JohnHaremza.com
Over the last 25 years, John has helped his teams earn over $200 million in commissions and has made $14 million himself in network marketing. He just authored a new book which is on Amazon, which I just read, entitled, Right or Almost Right.
15. Tim Sales - TimSalesTips.com
Tim Sales is one of the most famous MLM Trainers in the world. He has created many systems to help people generate Leads, including Brilliant Compensation and Professional Presenter. His blog is offers top-notch professional training.
16. Ron Gelok - RonGelok.com
At the age of 18, Ron Gelok created a successful real estate investment company, but real estate plummeted shortly after. He had already received his Bachelor’s and decided to go back to school. in the middle of this he decided to create a plan B, which was network marketing. Eventually plan B became plan A and he excelled. Ron is ultimately fulfilled by helping others succeed.
17. Nadya Melton - NadyaMelton.com
Nadya Melton has built a very successful online business with 9 sources of income, but it wasn’t always this easy. Nadya felt like she was constantly chasing people to join her business. She decided to brand herself instead of her MLM company and that eventually freed her. People began to seek her out. Now, she and her husband, John Melton, are top earners in several industries.
18. Madra Jones - Madra.com
Madra Jones is a single mother of three, former salon owner and esthetician, now verified seven-figure earner in network marketing. She is opinionated, ambitious, strong-willed and is on a mission to empower others to be the same and shares a lot of wisdom in his influential MLM blog in 2025.
19. Casmire Okafor - CasmireOkafor.com
Casmire Okafore is from Lagos State, Nigeria. He became an apprentice for a clothing store and awaited the payoff. To his shock, the store owner sold the shop and left the country. Casmire was left with nothing until a man presented him with a network marketing opportunity. Things were great until Casmire’s downline started leaving. He then found a mentor and rebuilt his business. Now, he wants to help others succeed as well with his MLM blog articles and posts.
20. Tom Leonard - WorkWithTomLeonard.com
Tom Leonard got his MBA in Direct Marketing and had the fortune to work with AOL, Netflix and Warner Brothers. Tom is into social media marketing and team building. He is looking for A-Team type people for his business and blog post features.
21. Rich Miller - RichMillerOnline.com
Rich Miller is from Germany and served 8 years in the military. He searched for the American dream and started selling Plymouths and Yugos. The dealership was sold after 20 years and Rich was in a vulnerable position. He never wanted that instability for his family again. He discovered MLSP and things took off from there.
22. Louis Luwe - LouisLuwe.com
Louis Luwe believes in leveraging the power of the Internet to build his network marketing business. He gets tons of leads online without chasing anyone and he wants to show you how to do the same.
23. Josh Parker - MeetJoshParker.com
Josh Parker comes from Wisconsin and is a father of three. He has been doing network marketing and online marketing for four years. He loves the freedom and lifestyle being an internet Entrepreneur brings.
24. Phillip Caillavet - PhillipCaillavet.com
Just four years ago, Phillip Caillavet was working 80+ hours a week at a job. He said to himself that there’s a better way. He discovered network marketing. He didn’t take it seriously for the first two years, then things shifted and he took off with it.
25. Robert Minarich - RobertMinarich.com
Robert Minarich comes from a small town in Oregon. He discovered network marketing in his second year at college. He ran with it for the first five years the hard way. Then, he discovered internet marketing and it made MLM so much easier for him to succeed. The internet was still a confusing place and he still struggled until everything changed when he sought out a multi-level marketing mentor.
26. Elizabeth Oliva - ElizabethOliva.com
Elizabeth Oliva has always had an Entrepreneurial spirit since her father was one. She had her own business shortly after becoming an adult. But, she still felt enslaved by the traditional business. She discovered network marketing in 2003. She struggled for years with her husband watching with concern. Things dramatically changed for Elizabeth when she became coachable. She now dominates MLSP and helps others as well to earn multiple income streams or passive income.
27. Jason J. Torres - JasonJTorres.com
Jason Torres is a Career Soldier in the Army and Direct Sales leader. Jason is continually adding value to the marketplace and getting out there. He is devoted to the home-based business profession and is seeking like-minded individuals.
28. Bob Heilig - BobHeilig.com
Bob Heilig’s first year in network marketing was horrible. He only brought in one distributor because he paid the guy. He decided no more MLM, but after 6 unfulfilling years in Medical Sales, Bob Heilig decided to try network marketing, again.
This time, something changed, and Bob brought in 300 people and made a million dollars. He now shortens the learning curve for anyone in network marketing by his “Virtual Upline” system.
29. Mark Klanac - MarkKlanac.com
Mark Klanac was starting to hate doing Sales. But, reality struck with the birth of his first son. He had to work, but tried doing network marketing on the side. One day, he realized that a product he loved using had a network marketing business component to it and the light went off in his head. He dove back into network marketing and the rest is history, as you can see on his top MLM blog content.
30. Tim Alwell - TimAlwell.com
Tim Alwell was feeling depressed right before graduating college with a degree in Finance. He did everything he could to become an epic entrepreneur online, even playing poker online to earn extra income. Now he helps potential entrepreneurs get started online by writing useful tips on his great MLM blog. Even more recently, Tim Alwell has become an expert on big-ticket affiliate marketing and email marketing, which can go hand-in-hand very well with MLM and blogging.
Read More Top MLM Blog Posts In 2025
I apologize in advance if I have left anyone off this list of top MLM blogs. Be sure and leave a comment of who you want on this top MLM blog list and why or comment on social media. The next top MLM blogger could be YOU, because you are worth it and blogging is the best way to get leads for your network marketing business!
Please share this post on social to help all these awesome MLM bloggers and network marketing leaders out. Visit their top MLM blogs today to learn and earn! With these blogs 2025 will be the year of cash money in network marketing management!