Pros And Cons Of Blogging Challenges

pros cons blogging challenges blogger posts increase blog traffic

Over 12,000 new blogs are created every day.

Over 3 million blog posts are created every day.

Content Marketing through blogging is now mandatory if you want consistent sales and Leads.

I’m an avid fan, maybe a rabid fan of blogging! I feel the only way small business owners and Entrepreneurs can compete with the big guns and get seen on the top of Google is to blog and do it consistently.

When you blog great content you get seen. . .

I posted a large 5,000 word post entitled, The Top 30 MLM Blogs, and it took off on Facebook.

One of the biggest MLM trainers saw it and posted it on his Twitter and Facebook.

Here’s was my visits before and after that post:

Kind of a small pic, but I was getting 300 views a day, then that night I posted Top 80 and it climbed to 600, then the next day it was over 2,000.

I checked my “sites linking in” on my Webmaster Tools a week after that post and had 800 new sites linking in, just to that post!

This is my post on Ray Higdon’s Facebook wall. He makes over $2 million a year as a trainer and I had always wanted some kind of shout out from him.

Well, it happened and it can happen to you when you write great content.

I started a business blog 7 years ago, but didn’t start writing in it until 6 months later.

I was only posting once a week and nothing really happened for a year…

In September of 2015, I ignored my four other websites and started posting on this one 2 to 4 times a week. My traffic increased.

There’s many different viewpoints on how much a person should post on their blog. I had so many theories. . .

I tried (5) 1,000 word posts a week…

I tried (2) 2,500 word posts a week…

Then, I stopped caring and wrote from the heart and began posting every single day.

Yes, beginning January 10th, 2016 I am writing every day and I am already seeing a 25% increase in traffic:

Notice the last 9 bars on the right. This is when I began posting every day…

You will surprise yourself when you write this much. You will have some average posts, but once in awhile you will get a winner.

It’s not uncommon for a blog to get at least half its traffic from one great blog post that Google put on the first page.

Seeing this improvement led me to create:

The Blog Blitz 90

I am looking to help bloggers get seen by featuring them on this site. By collaborating with each other, I get traffic and backlinks and you get traffic and backlinks.

Backlinks are the lifeblood of any blog, and Google is documenting the quality and the number of sites linking into your blog.

Type of Blogs I’m looking for…

  • Blogs that are a year or older. . .
  • Blogs about Success and Leadership
  • Blogs of small business owners
  • MLM and network marketing Blogs
  • Affiliate Marketing Blogs
  • Marketing Blogs
  • Business Blogs

What I’m not looking for:

  • Not Spam Blogs
  • Not one page Blogs
  • Not New Blogs
  • Poorly designed Blogs
  • Domain Authority is under 10. (Checking your blog by using MOZ)
  • No or sites. Must be self hosted blogs.

How it Works

Leave a comment below with a brief bio of you and your website.

Once I accept your blog, I will approve your bio you leave in the comment section.

It doesn’t matter when you start the 90 day Blog Blitz, but if you’re featured in my comment section you have to blog everyday. This doesn’t mean 100 word posts either. . .

Blogging Blitz Challenge

Thousands of business blogs are built daily. Many bloggers start strong but fizzle out. Some do Blogging Challenges. Important: The Dangers of the Blogging Challenge. Blogging is fun and challenging at the same time. It’s hard to come up with new material, especially when you are blogging every day. There’s also a feature that some bloggers have on their blog, called a “blogging challenge.” It’s usually a static page on their blog that has the details of the blog challenge. I have a page called Blog Blitz, where I started a 90 day blogging blitz, or challenge, myself. But, there are problems with the blogging challenge. Yes, it’s fun and challenging to try and write every day for 7, 21, 90, sometimes 365 days. 

But, the downside is: Some days you are just really business in your normal life and blogging is almost impossible, this is where the word “challenge” really comes into play, and. . . We force ourselves to write small posts which can actually be detrimental to our blogs. Here’s why: The search engines, specifically Google, do not like what they call “thin content.” Thin content are articles that have very little substance, they don’t have specific keywords that relate to a main theme and they provide the reader with very poor reader experience. Google notices when a site has poor content when your blog’s “Bounce rate” is high. A score of 80% to 100% bounce rate is bad and means that people are leaving your blog within seconds of arriving because they didn’t find anything useful. You can check your bounce rate by signing up to your “Webmaster tools” using your gmail account. 

Then, you will need to add a snippet of html code into your blog so Google can find you. The easiest way to add this snippet of code to your WordPress blog, not the hosted WordPress, but self-hosted WordPress, is to get the plugin called “Headers and Footers”. Then add the code into the Headers section and hit save. Then go back and verify your site back at Webmaster Tools. So, blog challenges can be fun and challenging for you, but they are silently killing your chance of growing your blog with organic traffic from the search engines. If you’re going to do a blog challenge I suggest: Having at least 20 titles premade of what you’re going to write about. Have a notebook or recorder on your phone and when any title idea strikes you record it or write it down. 

When I started my 90 day blog challenge, I had about 50 titles ready to go. Pick the title that stands out to you for that day, or preplan it the night before. If you pick a title the night before, your subconscious mind will work on the details of the post overnight. Just set your intentions on having a completed outline in your mind by morning and begin writing as soon as possible. I prefer not to write less than 600 words. Anything less is dangerous and could be considered “thin content” by the search engines. Not only is thin content considered bad by Google, it won’t really get you a lot of backlinks back to your site

Backlinks are gold to website owners because the number of backlinks you have indicates to Google that people like your content and are linking to it. Do not buy Backlinks! Google knows exactly what kind and quality of backlink is connected to you. Google has over 200 metrics that analyze your site and their analytics can determine the quality of your site within seconds. Scary stuff, I know, but Google and other top search engines don't mess around with their ranking factors! 

So, my advice is to enjoy your writing and don’t worry too much about what you write for blog posts as long as your heart is in it and write more than 600 words. 800 to 2000 words is ideal. Try to also stick within a similar theme for all your posts that relate to your blog’s niche. If you’re a reviewer, write more reviews. If you’re a marketer, write about marketing. These are the blogger basics you need to execute on daily! 

Now get blogging, bigger and better than before!

Tips For Running A Family Business Successfully

secrets to running a successful family business father son company the lean startup

You’ve always dreamed of starting a family-run business that gets handed down through generations. But now that you’ve started a family, you have to figure out how to make the family business successful and long-lasting. 

Generational Business Building

There are a number of advantages that come with running a family business, including a low turnover rate and the family pride that backs up your work. However, there are also many difficulties.

Small businesses today have to compete against large corporations that dominate the market. However, there are a number of things you can do to ensure success for family businesses.

Let’s go over some important tips on running a successful family business.

Stick to a Game Plan

Structuring your family business and working towards short and long-term goals is critical. This starts by creating a detailed business plan for your family business.

This family business plan should outline your management structure along with key roles the business needs to remain successful. You also need to identify your target customer and make plans for marketing campaigns.

You’ll also need to form business partnerships with vendors. For example, a family owned propane gas company would need to find a reliable provider of tanks and enter into a contract with them.

Keep Family Issues Separate

Yes, you’re a family-run operation, but to be successful you need to concentrate on business and leave family issues out of it. If you don’t, you could run into big personal and financial problems.

Don’t make the mistake of letting family drama alter your business decisions. If someone starts acting out of spite or anger, they could do something that hurts the businesses momentum.

If there’s a severe family issue between two employees, they must agree to set their problems aside when working. If they can’t do this, you may need to reposition them in the organization. In a worst case scenario, for a family business to survive one member may need to become a silent (part) owner or seek a new career entirely.  

Set up strict boundaries if necessary between your family life and the family businesses. Sometimes it's best to avoid talk of work at the family dinner table, and avoid personal family matters in the office. Keep work at work and don't bring it home to your parents, husbands, wives, children, and relatives.

Non-Family Employees

Most family businesses have employees who aren’t related. This is essential when staffing your organization with the talent it needs to succeed. You can't staff a business of more than a handful of people with only family members, especially if you have a small family.

Unfortunately, many times these employees feel they’ll never move up in business. They may feel they’re at a disadvantage because they’re not part of the inner circle of the direct family.

It’s important to treat each non-family employee like you’d treat every other staff member. They should never feel like management favors other employees because they’re family.

Your lean startup family business can’t be successful without outside expertise, so make these employees feel valued and respected. A good rule of thumb is to treat them like family to improve loyalty and performance.  

Solid Communication

Just because you’re family doesn’t mean you know what each other are thinking. To maintain business growth, you need to make communication a top priority. Communicate clearly with your family members face to face, by email, by text, by phone call, by video chat, and app chat.

Remember, you’re a small fish in a big pond. You can’t risk losing clients or providing sub-par service due to a lack of communication. That goes for any family business or bootstrapped startup company on a budget in general. Ask questions when you are unclear of  a family member's message or other communication

Make it a point to hold family business meetings on a regular basis. Everyone needs to be on the same page with regard to changes, procedures, and goals. You should also make sure to establish a healthy line of day-to-day communication that all employees must adhere to. There are no exceptions for family members, everyone has to attend these business meetings regardless of their familiar status.

Establish a Successful Family Business for Future Generations

Although corporations dominate many industries, people still like smaller, family-run businesses. Running a successful family business offer a unique experience consumers don’t get with larger companies.

Use the tips discussed above and turn your family business into something you can pass on to your children. Keep it all in the family when it comes to your company. Family matters!

Read more articles about maximizing your profits as a small business here on The Lean Startup Life.

6 Tips To Nail Your Pitch And Win Over Startup Funding

how to nail startup funding pitch gain investment financing vc presentation

If you are an entrepreneur attempting to raise funds for your business, then you must have gotten used to meeting multiple investors and pitching your business ideas. If you are not succeeding with any of the meetings with investors, then do not assume there is an issue with your business idea, mostly the issue would be in the way you are presenting your pitch to the investors. 

There are a few tips you need to keep in your mind while meeting with the investors the next time; 

1. Avoid Small Talk

Do not indulge in small talk as most investors are already busy and do not have extra time to spare. Stick to your pitch and talk only around your business to use all the time you get with them. Most VC investors are too busy to waste much time and probably have other companies to look at on the same day.

2. Do Not Show Your Dependency On Them

Though the investor may be aware that you need this money to run your business but if you absolutely have no funds before meeting with the investor, they may ignore you completely as you may sound inexperienced and too much of a risk to invest in. 

Do some groundwork and save funds by doing a few jobs or asking your family members. Invest a part of the money in a quick side business apart from your core business so that the fast revenues can support your core business. One such area where you can invest to get quick returns is bitcoin trading. Many businesses are venturing into this as it requires less investment and if done correctly, the returns are great. Make sure you invest in the right trading software such as CryptoSoft after reading its review.

3. Be Authentic

Do not lie about any aspect of your business. If you do not know an answer, be authentic and share the truth with them. It will not show you are incompetent; it will just showcase your ability to accept your shortcomings and learn from it which is a great quality of a businessman. 

4. Over-Prepare

This is a very important opportunity for you as this funding will be a crucial part in making or breaking your business hence do not be under-prepared. In fact, over prepare yourself for the meeting by framing answers beforehand for probable questions they will ask. Rehearse in front of your business partner or friend to be thoroughly aware of the terms you will be using. Watch series like Shark Tank to improve your pitch as this show is quite similar to what you are going to do. 

5. Don't Over-Share

When you talk about your business to investors, it is a good idea to give them relevant information about your business which will help them make a decision but digging too much inside your own business in front of them will only make the weeds visible hence make a note of the pieces of information you will be sharing which will help in putting your business in a positive light and refrain from sharing any other information. 

6. Speak To The Point

Do not speak by rounding off the terms instead be accurate. If your business has made a revenue of $2.54 million, do not say "our business could raise a revenue of about $2.5 million last year". Instead, speak to the point and talk with precision. It is your business and you should be ready with such crucial numbers. After all, each figure matters when it comes to generating potential funding from investors

Pitch Perfect

Investors say more "no" than "yes" to even top startups, so do not get upset if you are turned down by a few as that does not mean your proposal is not good enough. It just means they do not share your vision; you just need to keep pitching to various investors and if your proposal is solid, you will definitely find someone whose vision resonates with yours.

10 Trending Freelancing Businesses You Can Start Today

top trending freelancing businesses start today best freelancing startup jobs

Are you thinking of quitting your 9-5 job and become a freelancer? You are not alone; most people are getting bored with their monotonous life and wish to work in a field they are passionate about. 

While we cannot create a general list for everyone, we have listed the most trending freelancing jobs below as per various expertise; 

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media has become so popular form of reaching out to people that every business has a social media handle of its own and while large companies have their own digital marketing team, small companies hire freelancers to do social media marketing for them. 

2. Content Writing

Every business has a website where they maintain a blog hence the need for good content writers have increased lately and is one of the most sought-after jobs in the world of freelancing. If you have a good language grasp, then this job is relatively easy to get hold of. 

3. SEO Experts

Companies are also battling to constantly be on Google's top 10 list hence the demand for an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert is high. If you are good at on-page and off-page optimization, then you will earn well as a freelancer in this job profile. 

4. Translator / Interpreter 

If you have knowledge of multiple languages, then this is one job whose demand will never go down. Technology has made it possible to conference calls where over the phone you can be an interpreter for business meetings. 

5. Trading

Instead of working for someone else, work for yourself by investing in trading and stocks. This job is both risky and lucrative hence you should be mentally stable to be able to handle the pressure. In fact, due to the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency, bitcoin trading is an option that can be explored as well. Trading sounds complicated, but it is not if you have a reliable and highly accurate trading platform like The Bitcoin Wealth from which does reliable market predictions and trading for you, making the entire process simple. 

6. Teaching 

With the help of video chats, teaching online has become a great freelance job option. With so many online teaching institutes, you can associate with one and start from today. 

7. Graphic Designing

Visual content creation for websites like memes, post covers and infographics cannot be ignored as the audience engages with websites which can attract them with good graphics hence the demand for a graphic designer is high. 

8. Website Building

Every company needs to create its website presence hence web developers are in high demand nowadays. As the small businesses are increasing in number, so is the demand for creating new websites by these developers. 

9. Programming

The entire digital world will fail without the existence of the programmer, hence you will easily find freelancing jobs for programming which would pay you well. 

10. Travel Consulting

If you are good at helping people book affordable trips, this is a zero-investment freelancing job which is both interesting and lucrative, after all everyone loves to travel in a budget. 

Bonus 11th Option: MLM

If you can't get started with one of these 10 trending freelancing businesses, you can always join a top new network marketing business as least part time. You can choose from dozens of top MLM freelancing jobs as an independent distributor and recruiter.

Find The Right Freelancing Job

There are lots of other options as well, we have highlighted the most common ones which are trending today. Every individual is good at something and in today's world, every talent matter. Figure out your talent and find a suitable freelancing job for you to start with.

7 Tips Before Committing To A Small Business

business priorities top small biz focuses commit to lean startup company launch

Starting a small business can either be the best lesson in the world, or it could be the biggest success you’ve ever seen. 

There are dozens of considerations that need to be taken when starting out, but I’ll list a couple of the most important ones as some are simply common sense. 

Expect To Fail 

Now, this isn’t coming out of nowhere, and neither is this a pep talk of some kind. 90% of all startups fail miserably when initiating, pitching or simply trying to maintain their business model. You must anticipate failure, or else it's going to hit you like a truck. By anticipating it, you’ll be ready for it, and have a mentality of learning from the experience and gaining at least something valuable, rather than losing it all. 

That’s what many have from their first startup. They weren’t ready for the failure during the pitching stage, so the moment it failed they abandoned it. Now, the very same project is being launched somewhere else. 

You must be ready to learn from the mistakes and take criticism as feedback. 

Make Your First Batch Free 

In order to grow, you absolutely need to somehow make your product stand out from the rest of the competition. But in the beginning, while you’re new or your product is a bit unique, it’s always important to add that additional incentive to your customer base to try you out. 

That is one of the methods that online gaming companies use to drive more participation from new customers and then convert them to paying users in the future. They offer free versions of new games they are provided by their software companies. 

They manage to popularize these games through free methods and then drive much more brand awareness and loyalty.

The reason why this is a great example is that it’s both a product as well as a service, and it’s very easy to study. Just understanding the value even a little bit is enough for you to implement it within your own business as well. 

Do Market Research 

Before you even consider to start working on the project, you must be at least 75% sure that there will be somewhere in your vicinity who will buy your product, or pay for your service. If it’s something you enjoy very much and see it as the next best thing since sliced bread, I’m afraid not everybody thinks like that. You may think it’s useful and will help everybody, but again, not everybody might think that. 

Let me give you an example. I love eating peanut butter and pickle sandwiches, I completely adore them, they’re my favorite snack in the world. But you don’t see me making a franchise out of them. Why? Because every time I talk to somebody about it, they immediately think I’m crazy, and completely dismiss that the sandwich may actually be tasty. If I had started franchising them, I’d have been broke in a week. 

Plus, you don’t have to do all of the market research yourself. There are dozens of marketing companies that will do it for you, all you need to do is have a little bit of capital and simply convey your business idea, they’ll find a way. 

Always Review The Performance 

There needs to be at least some kind of framework that you will use to measure the success of your business. It could be the number of sales you're generating, or it could be the number of people you're able to reach. 

In most cases, small companies go for sales and set quotas for every month or even every week. Usually, it works like a charm but could become extremely stressful in the process. Furthermore, finances are always a tricky thing to deal with during a business. For example, if a deal is guaranteed to bring in let's say $1000, it doesn't mean that you're getting paid $1000, you'll have to calculate the profit and base your results on that rather than simply looking at the revenue. 

Many a startup has failed due to looking at revenue exclusively, only to find out that they had been losing money all along. Don't use the weighted forecasting method unless you have a clear understanding of what your profit margin is. 

You Can’t Do It Alone 

There is absolutely no way you can do the small business on your own. Maybe you can create it and maintain it for a little while, but you desperately need partners or at least some employees. Many startups think that one person is enough to handle everything because they usually don’t want to split the income or don’t want to split the credit. But think about it, would you prefer a business with a partner or no business at all? Every single industry requires a large pool of manpower because our world runs on volume, productivity, and multitasking. There’s only so much you can do alone. 

Furthermore, you’ll both hold each other accountable to what you do with the business, which creates this healthy rivalry on who can outperform who. It definitely helped me when I was starting out first. 

Employees Come First 

No matter what you’ve read, heard or watched your employees are the catalysts of your business. 

No, not the customer. There’s no such thing as a good customer, but there are more than enough bad and good employees. If the employee is treated unfairly by your customer, it is up to you to protect them. 

Not every person is serviceable, you know? People like to ask for more than they’ve paid for, so when you see a customer harassing your employee, it’s not healthy to simply give the customer what he or she wants and leave your employee humiliated. 

No, you fire that customer out of your shop or restaurant or whatever you have and move on to service the next one. If this keeps happening, then you start asking questions to the employee and reviewing his or her performance. 

Remember, a single day with 1 less customer is alright, that could be a loss of around $20 to $50 depending on your business. But the demoralization of your employee for the whole week because of that experience is going to cost you thousands. The employee is KING, not the customer. 

There’s Always Someone Who Does It Better 

At this point, it’s not about being the best anymore. Sure you can strive for it and it’s commendable. But if you wait for the moment until you’re good, you’ll never be able to start off. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes, the guy who’s better at it than you are made to where he is now just like that. 

And remember, there’s always a bigger fish in the competitive world of business. No matter how good your opponent may be, no matter how much money he or she is making compared to you, there’s always a way to overtake them. 

That’s how most startups fail actually. They chase perfection before they start, and others chase perfection as they go. The latter are the ones that always succeed even if they’re much worse than they’re competitors. 

Such an example can be seen in the financial industry. In fact, it can be seen in all sectors of finances. Banks started out before even realizing they were banks, and brokerages started out without having a single back-up plan. Even websites that dedicate their whole platform were started by people who didn't know anything about finances but learned along the way. There are multiple cases where even the founders themselves didn't know of a way out from a sticky situation and had to rely on instinct and guesses, as the predicaments they had to face simply left them dumbfounded. 

But what they did learn, was how to react to such situations. A few mishaps here and there helped them understand what worked and what didn't. Not being experts in the industry didn't stop them from starting out, and that start was what initiated their development into what they are now. If that's not enticing enough, then there may not be anything better. 

The one who screams the loudest, or makes the most will get the most attention. And the digital world we have now, demands attention. 

Don’t Make A Plan B 

Whatever you do, don’t have a plan B. I know it sounds like the worst advice you’ve ever gotten, but you need to know that it gives you a false sense of hope. 

You go from thinking “I need to make this happen”, to thinking “Meh, it’s okay if I fail, I still have that other plan”. 

You see, it destroys commitment, and over time it drains you from interest towards that project. The grass keeps getting greener on the other side of your Plan B, so you get more and more convincing to yourself that, maybe you should switch? 

I’ve seen many of my friends do the same thing, only to have their previous project succeed thanks to somebody else only a year later when they hadn’t even begun working on Plan B. 

Less is more, don’t try to touch every point in your business model, choose a specific segment and focus on it with 110%. Better be an expert at something than Ok-ish at something else.

6 Reasons Health Startups Fail

reasons health startups fail healthcare company failure biotech business closed

It's no secret that starting a business isn't easy. In fact, it's one of the biggest challenges you could ever undertake in your life. That's because there's so much competition in the marketplace. Plus, it's extremely difficult to predict exactly what will appeal to your target audience. 

This is especially true when it comes to health startups. The simple reality is that most small health businesses fail very quickly. But why do these healthcare and biotechnology companies fail? You've come to the right place for answers on healthcare startup failures. 

This article takes a look at where the average digital health startup goes wrong when trying to secure an established place in the marketplace. Keep reading to get the inside scoop on why health startups fail, and how your company can avoid becoming a statistic. 

1. They Don't Have a Complete Understanding of the Healthcare Ecosystem 

It's important to understand that the healthcare ecosystem is unlike any other industry. Many entrepreneurs begin with a strong idea that could potentially benefit a tremendous number of patients, but they focus on the wrong customer. The key is to focus on the person who is paying. Thus when it comes to being a healthcare entrepreneur, you have to focus on serving the insurance companies, Medicare, and other large enterprises. Keep in mind that the healthcare ecosystem is incredibly complex. Therefore if you want to succeed, you have to learn how to effectively navigate the maze of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and manufacturers. 

2. They Have A Poor Business Model 

It's also crucial to develop a proper business model for any healthcare startup. Otherwise, you're going to find it nearly impossible to sustain any amount of success. Keep in mind that about 90% of health startups fail due to a bad business model and marketing strategy. 

3. Inadequate Go-To-Market Strategy 

If you don't have a strong and precise go-to-market strategy, you'll likely end up spinning your wheels in the marketplace and piling up tremendous debt. The key is to get as much feedback from your target audience as possible prior to launch. Then you need to study the feedback, analyze the data, and refine your strategy long before you pull the trigger and officially take your product to market. 

4. They Ignore Important Data 

One of the biggest problems with startups is impatience. After all, you are eager to make money. But you need to study data to gain a clear understanding of customer behavior and the amount of money it's going to cost to stay afloat for the first few years. 

5. They Ignore Customer Feedback 

Never forget, the customer is king, especially in the biotech or pharmaceutical industry. You'll be tempted to ignore direct customer feedback because you think you know best. And yet your target audience will be your best source of useful data. 

6. They Have a Weak Team 

Your team is the core of your business. Thus you need a team that understands the healthcare industry. This includes doctors, researchers, and other extremely insightful thought leaders. If you only focus on the technical side of your business, you're doomed to failure in the healthcare industry

Lessons Learned: Why Many Health Startups Fail 

Starting a business isn't easy, especially in the healthcare or biotech industry. Fortunately, this guide to top reasons health startups fail will help you avoid the common pitfalls of the industry. Keep scrolling to discover more great small business tips and advice on this blog.

Four Seasons Hotels And Resorts Enter Paris Market - Case Study In Global Business Expansion

four seasons hotels enters paris market resort global brand expansion

When the Four Seasons hotel chain decided to expand into Paris France with the Hotel George V, it was a big move for the hospitality industry. They have been a standard bearer for the hotel and resort industries around the world for nearly half a century. 

Here's what one marketer thought about Four Seasons hotels company and them expanding their global brand: 

What Is It Like To Stay At The Four Seasons Resorts And Hotels? 

Staying at the Four Seasons is unique compared to staying at any other high-end luxury hotel. It provides more than just typical hotel accommodations and amenities such as guest rooms, gym, pool, etc; it provides deeper insight into the culture of the region in which the hotel resides. As a guest, you will have the services and hospitality customized to what would be expected by the culture of the region. 

Does Corporate Culture Play A Role In The Success Of The Four Seasons Hotel Chain?

Corporate culture plays a major role in the success of the Four Seasons as it is one of the primary reasons that Four Seasons is able to maintain its success and have its employees buy-in to the belief that exceptional services and customize that service to the region of each hotel location. In order to continue to provide such a service, there must be strong belief among the employees and management in the value of taking the additional steps required. A key method for building this corporate culture is the management structure and their compensation. General Managers are responsible for supervising the day-to-day operations at a single location were able to acquire a bonus of 30% which was based on variables such as employee attitudes, service quality, and profit. As service and the attitudes of employees represent 50% of the evaluation of the General Manager, it strongly encourages the General Manager to create a great work environment for employees. Creating a great work environment for employees will get their buy-in to the company’s mission of providing great service for their guests. By providing great service, the hotel location will increase profits and the General Manager will earn their entire bonus. 

Does Human Resources Play A Role In The Success Of The Four Seasons Hotels? 

Human resources plays a major role in the success of the Four Seasons because of the recruitment, recognition and benefits it employs for the organizations. The recruitment and selection process involves a deep look at each and every candidate and ensures that if he/she work at a hotel location, they share the same values related to providing exceptional service for its guest. In terms of recognition, the company presents an employee-of-the-month and employee-of-the-year programs that encourage employee feedback and stressed no favoritism toward certain employees. This gave employees a goal to work towards and kept employees motivated to take the extra steps to provide exceptional customer service. Finally, management made the necessary to ensure that its employees have personal lives by providing schedules that are flexible and accommodating to employees. 

How Do You Feel About The Way In Which The Four Seasons Entered The Paris Market?

I believe that the way in which the Four Seasons entered the Paris/French market was an appropriate way to enter a market, but further analysis of the rules and culture should have been done. I believe that Four Seasons did their due diligence on the impact of becoming a French employer in regards to French labor laws, and identified any and all similarities with operations in North America to help the transition into new management methods and policies. I believe this to be the best approach they took to enter the market; identifying commonalities and adjusting accordingly such as in the case of termination where the culture of the Four Seasons and France shared a notion of not firing at will. Something that was lacking about the entry strategy was miscalculating the impact of the work schedule that French employees were accustomed to. With multiple days-off, 35 hour work weeks and more holidays, personnel management was a more difficult task than was to be expected. Not being able to envision the impact that certain cultural changes would have on the business forced Four Seasons to accommodate and adjust their strategy in a manner they may not have preferred. 

Do The Lessons From This Case Study Apply To Firms Entering Countries Other Than France? What Types Of Markets And Industries? 

I believe the lessons from this case applies to firms entering countries other than France as it shows how important it is to evaluate the culture of a market and its people and determine the impact that the culture has on the business. I believe that a firms needs to adjust to a culture and not try to enforce its corporate culture on the market, it has to be a collective adjustment. I believe this lesson could be applied to entering any market that features differences in work schedules and a difference in work mentality (willing to work long hours compared to more holidays and vacation days). I believe these differences will require to most analysis in determining whether or not to enter the market. 

Coronavirus Conclusion 

While the Four Seasons hotel chain foray into France was relatively successful for several years, the Coronavirus pandemic could be the final test. Covid-19 has wreaked havoc on the hospitality, travel, venue, and luxury industries in France and around the world. Only time will tell if the Four Seasons hotel and resort expansion plan will be a beneficial one.

How To Make Your Startup More Eco-Friendly

how to make startup more eco-friendly green business

With more and more of us making our purchasing decisions based on the ethical and environmental credentials of companies, it’s more important than ever that your startup measures up. 

Companies like goBambu have seen a huge boost in customers after educating them about their environmental efforts. 

With that in mind, here’s a helpful guide for some ways you make your startup more eco-friendly. 

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle 

It’s worth implementing this policy early on and is something that can be followed as your company starts growing. 

You can start by focusing on purchasing packaging that can be used more than once. For example, if you receive a parcel, keep the box it comes in and in turn use this to ship out your own parcels. 

You’ll also want to make sure your staff members are fully aware of what items can be recycled and provide adequate facilities like recycling bins and food waste disposal bins for this. 

Think about repairing items too before throwing them away. If they are irreparable, think about ways you can upcycle and repurpose the items first. 

Opt For Clean Energy 

You can boost your greed credentials by opting for clean energy suppliers. With more and more green energy companies popping up every day, there’s never been a better time to switch. 

Not only will your green credentials increase but there’s a good chance you can save money as renewable energy can be cheaper in the long run. 

Go Paperless 

Even though paper is recyclable, it’s estimated that 90% Canada’s paper output (which is the UK’s biggest source of pulp) comes from ancient forests. 

Deforestation continues to happen around the world, even in developed countries so to mitigate this, companies can opt to go paperless instead. 

Have forms filled in online, get documents signed digitally and avoid printing out resources that are already stored on your computer. 

Offset Your Carbon Emissions 

One of the best ways you can win new customers and attract talented employees is by offsetting your workplace carbon emissions. 

By joining tree-planting initiatives you can make your company completely climate positive. These convenient initiatives plant trees on your behalf so you don’t have to do the hard graft yourself. 

With millennials being the generation more concerned about climate change than any other, this will give your company an edge when recruiting the best talent. 

Encourage Green Travel 

With an average of only 1.7 people per car, cars are one of the most inefficient forms of travel there is. 

With people driving to work, this average number of people per car is likely to decrease. 

With cars making up over 60% of road transport CO2 emissions in Europe, it’s worth encouraging and educating your employees about other forms of greener transport. 

If your employees live nearby encourage them to walk to work. Alternatively, you can offer a cycle-to-work scheme in which employees can pay for brand new bikes from their taxes. 

Other greener transport modes include car pooling or using public transport.

Tax Accounting

tax accounting firm taxes consulting finance advisor cpa

Tax accounting is the part of accounting, which deals with the knowledge of tax returns as well as tax amounts. Tax accounting is an edifice of accounting practices, which are focused on taxes instead of an idea of the public financial statements. Tax accounting is administered and overseen by the Internal Revenue Code. Internal Revenue Code manages as well as directs the special rules, which a company, as well as an individual, should support and follow while making the tax returns. 

Tax accounting correctly justifies the accounting for the tax objectives as well as purposes. Tax accounting connects with almost everyone. Tax accounting connects with even those people who are exempted from paying taxes. These people must take part in the tax accounting process. The main motive or purpose of tax accounting is to be able to track funds be it the funds that are coming in as well as the funds that are going out, which are correlated with the individuals as well as the entities. 

Moreover, tax accounting is a useful tool, be it individuals, be it businesses, be it corporations, or be it other entities. In more detail, we can say that tax accounting for an individual is centered on the income of an individual, qualifying abatements, benefactions, as well as any kind of investment gains or losses. Whereas, For a business, the tax accounting tool is a little bit more difficult, with greater analysis concerning how the funds are spent and what is taxable or what is not taxable. 

Let us discuss the above taxation and accounting topics in more detail: 

Tax Accounting for an Individual 

When it comes to the tax accounting of an individual taxpayer, Tax accounting concentrates only on the following questions: 

• What is the income of the individual? 
• What are the qualifying deductions of the individual? 
• What are the investment gains or losses of the individual taxpayer? 
• What are the other transactions, which can affect the individual’s tax load? 

Moreover, these conditions restrict the volume of data, which is necessary for an individual taxpayer to maintain as well as arrange an annual tax return.  Furthermore, a specialized accountant for Tax Accounting can be hired by the individual taxpayer if required. However, it is not compulsory or not a legal requirement. 

On the other side, if we take general accounting into account. Then, General Accounting would involve the recording of all the funds, which are coming in as well as the funds, which are going out of the individual taxpayer’s ownership despite the idea, which includes individual taxpayer’s personal expenses that do not have any kind of tax implications. 

Tax Accounting For A Company 

If we take Tax Accounting from the point of view of the business, then Tax Accounting requires more information as well as that information should be analyzed as a subset of the tax accounting process. Whereas the company’s earnings, as well as the company’s incoming funds, should be properly analyzed as well as tracked similarly to an individual taxpayer as there is a supplementary level of difficulty, which is related to any outgoing funds, which are pointed towards some specific business responsibilities. 

Moreover, Tax Accounting for a company can involve the funds, which are focused towards a particular business or company’s expenses, as well as the funds, which are pointed or focused towards the shareholders of the company. Furthermore, a specialized accountant for Tax Accounting can be hired by the company or business if required. However, it is not compulsory or not a legal requirement to perform these duties by a specialized tax accountant. However, it is relatively common that in the larger organizations, because of the complexity of the records involved, there are specialized tax accountants hired. 

Szweda Consulting is one of the best tax accounting firms for the business. In a few simple words, it is a one-stop solution place for businesses or company of they want to have the best tax accounting solution. Szweda Consulting is a Cleveland-based accounting firm that too, with a national reach. Moreover, Szweda Consulting is focused on saving time and more importantly, sharing their expertise to help to run your business. 

Szweda Consulting is managed by Benjamin Szweda. After many years of working within a corporate structure, Szweda now wants to expand its influence by helping different companies be it large or be it small that too across a variety of industries. After the years of working with these companies in Cleveland, as well as companies from New York to California, Szweda Consulting has become the go-to accounting firm to help the businesses as well as companies in growing their business. you can simply contact Szweda Consulting with just a few steps or clicks. Go to their official website and the contact information is available there. 

The following are some of the things that are covered by tax accounting: 

Business tax 
• Corporate tax 
• Customs or excise tax 
• Payroll tax 
• Withholding tax 
• Capital gains tax 
• Transfer or the property tax 

The following are some of the recent trends that are going on in the market of tax accounting: 

• The tax area represents an important as well as a significant percentage of the total restatements of financial statements for the United States listed companies. 

• Transparency of the financial reporting, as well as the financial reporting system, is demanded. 

• What business issues will be the main tax concerns over the next twelve months or one year 

• Undistributed foreign earnings 

• Identification of applicable DTA 

• Uncertain Tax provisions 

• Cryptocurrencies 

• Online transactions 

• Foreign investments and international earnings

• Global tax havens

And those are just some of the major trends going on in the world of taxes and accounting. So as you can see, a top tax accounting firm is essential for your personal and company finances. 

Tax Time 

Paying the proper amount of taxes for your personal or professional life is something you need to take seriously. Hire the right accountants to ensure that you don't overpay your taxes or end up in hot water with the IRS and other tax overseers.

Difficulties Of Forecasting Political Elections - Poll Prediction Problems

difficulty forecasting political elections wrong polling

Why can’t we forecast political elections accurately? This most recent presidential election and the house / senate races have shown us that polls aren't always spot on. Politics is an uncertain science and you would be one of the most powerful people on the planet if you could consistently predict election outcomes.

One of the major questions that came out of the last week’s US election was why various polls and forecasts were unable to predict the outcome. For clarity, there are three general kinds of predictions when we are talking about elections: opinion polls, exit polls, and forecasts. 

Opinion polls are run by a variety of organizations in the run up to an election. Exit polls are run by Edison Research and the National Election Pool and occur during voting. Forecasts are mathematical models various groups assemble based on differing datasets to attempt predicting the outcome. In this election, as in previous elections, the exit polls were correct. 

Opinion polls varied in correctness, and forecasts were generally incorrect. And some political campaign polls that were poorly constructed or biased ended up being more accurate, albeit as just a coincidence.

Why can’t something as time-bound and important be accurately forecasted? Here is the simple explanation and a golden rule of predictive analytics: you cannot forecast something that has never happened. All models and forecasts require previous data, and the more regular and frequent that data, the better the forecast. Elections fail on both counts. Political elections are very infrequent, compared to things like e-commerce transactions. Elections are also highly irregular. Why are election events so strange? 

Elections may happen regularly in America, but what is being voted on varies wildly from election to election. Each candidate is different - even if the same candidate is running for re-election. 

Imagine trying to forecast how two movies will perform against each other, but it is a new and different set of movies every time. A romantic com vs a science fiction flick. A documentary vs a horror film. It is never the same politician lineup, so it is very difficult to forecast. Now imagine trying to do the same thing, but the movie theater moves around. One year it is in New York City, the next year it is in Peoria. 

Will Captain America play better in one location than another? What about the newest Fifty Shades of Grey movie or spinoff? That is what has been happening in American elections as the population changes. 

The America that voted in politics and pop culture last week is not the same America that voted in 2020, or the same America that voted in 2016. Add onto that all the hidden inputs that normally mess with models, from differing marketing tactics to foreign interference to social networks, and suddenly we have an insurmountable amount of relevant data we would need to forecast an election in 2023 or 2024. And then add a pandemic. Is it any wonder forecasts and models failed to predict the outcome? 

Here is the lesson we must learn from politicians as marketers: you can’t forecast what has never happened. If you are in the throes of 2023 planning right now, you are probably looking back at past data and trying to project it forward. Beware! The world you operate in right now is very different than the world in January of 2020 - completely different due to global events. This is a new world, a new operating environment where the customer does fundamentally different things than they did 12 months ago. 

Forecasts and models built on last year’s data almost certainly will be wrong. What should we do instead? Rely heavily on near real time data. Look at trends that are recent, rather than pre-pandemic. If we are trying to forecast something new - a product or service we haven’t ever launched, the tenure of a new executive, etc. - we should expect our forecasts to potentially be radically wrong. 

And be doubly cautious of vendors promising they can reliably forecast the future. No one can reliably do that now for any substantial time horizon. 

It is a brave new world for all of us, and nothing is guaranteed now. Focus not on what could happen, but what is happening right now. We still don't know exactly what is going to happen with a new presidential inauguration, the upcoming 2023 and 2024 races, or overseas elections either. I guess it is politics as usual: expect the unexpected. Time will tell!

Top Reasons To Upgrade To A DSLR Camera

reasons upgrade dslr camera

DSLR cameras are not only popular among professionals, but they are also used by many photography enthusiasts. When it comes to photo quality, DSLR cameras probably gives you the best outcome. Besides, it also has many other features that make it special from other camera types. 

With the advancement in technology, the prices of DSLRs (digital single-lens reflex) have reduced. A few years back, it wouldn’t be possible to buy a budget-friendly DSLR. This is yet another reason why more people are using these high-quality cameras these days. 

If you are still wondering whether you should get a DSLR or not, we will give you some legit reasons why you should. 

Why Should I Buy A DSLR Camera? 

If you love clicking pictures or want to be a professional photographer, getting the best DSLR camera would be the best idea for you. A DSLR camera can do much more than you can imagine. 

Here are some legit reasons why buying a DSLR is not a waste of money: 

Gives You The Highest Quality Images 

Talk about image quality, there is hardly any camera that can match up the level of a DSLR. Not just that, but you also get a variety of lens choices from a DSLR. This gives you the option to select the quality of the lens you want to get high-quality images. Whether it is a scenic shot or a portrait photo, a DSLR can nail it all. 

No matter, how much phone cameras are improved, they can never match the quality of a DSLR. That’s because the sensor technology of a DSLR camera is way better than that of a smartphone or any other camera. Also, technology is being improved every year. Whether you are an avid YouTuber or blogger, a DSLR camera would be your best companion. 

Best Battery Backup 

Another reason that makes DSLR cameras the best is the battery backup. When you use your smartphone to take photos, the battery hardly lasts for hours. You wouldn’t want your camera battery to die in the middle of a photo session. This is where a DSLR camera comes in. They come with the longest battery backup for your photo sessions. 

A DSLR can last for an entire day even after taking 1,000+ shots. On the other hand, a mirrorless camera or smartphone camera would require charging in between your photoshoot. With a DSLR camera, you can last for an entire day without worrying about the battery getting exhausted. 

Can Click The Sharpest Images 

If you want to click sharp images, a DSLR camera is an option for you. They come with the fastest shutter speeds that make it possible. With a DSLR you can control the shutter speed as per your requirement. 

All the fancy pictures that you see of a waterfall or lighting is clicked using a DSLR. The photographer adjusts the shutter speed as per his requirement. You don’t need to Photoshop the images when you are using a DSLR. You can even click sharp pictures of fast-moving objects. All you need is a fast shutter speed and you are good to go. 

Durable For Outdoor Use 

Unlike other cameras, DSLRs are durable and they make the best choice for outdoor shoots. Whether water, dust, or ice, a DSLR camera can deal with it all. They are designed to withstand the outdoor elements. But your smartphone camera is not. 

The best thing about a DSLR camera is that they are built like tanks. They are weather- sealed and therefore, you can take them to any place you want. However, lenses are a bit on the fragile side, so you need to make sure that you keep your lenses protected at all times. A protective camera bag is enough to keep your gadgets safe. 

A DSLR camera is not only durable, but it can even withstand rough use. This applies to both entry-level and premium level cameras. 


It is because of all these reasons a DSLR will always reign over any other camera. Digital single-lens reflex cams are designed for high-quality photos, videography, and the technology is improving very fast. Instead of investing money in a smartphone camera, you should go for a DSLR.

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