How To Boost Business With Instagram Ads

instagram social media marketing ig ads

With the saturation of sponsored posts on Facebook (and the recent negative PR), many have turned to promoting posts on Instagram. Instagram hasn’t fully realized its pay-to-play model potential yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some serious value in paying to promote posts in Instagram. IG has made it pretty simple but it still requires some experience and strategy to get your reach and ROI right. Read the following article to further understand the complexities of promoted posts by Instagram.

Instagram marketing is not a walk in the park and requires planning, strategy, creativity, trial + error, and some repetition. While traditional methods to build your business on Instagram work magic, they don’t tend to reach nearly as many users as a solid sponsored post. The numbers don't lie. 

When Facebook started, organic reach was plentiful. With low competition and emerging technologies looking for more and more users, it was actually quite easy to post something to Facebook. If configured properly you’d reach new users not familiar with your business. Then once it had a large enough user base the organic reach was throttled and eventually it became almost mandatory to pay to boost a post in order to reach new users. Instagram hasn’t quite gone into a pay-to-play model yet mainstream (although it becomes more popular daily), but that doesn’t mean there isn’t some serious value in paying to push a post to new users (called “Promoting” on Instagram). So what is involved in promoting a post on IG and how can you do it right so it reaches the right people for your business? 

Here are three smart social selling strategies on Instagram:

1. Create An Instagram Business Profile 

The first step is to convert your profile into an Instagram Business Profile. Simply tap the sun symbol (iOS) or three dots (Android) on IG depending on your device. Now tap “Switch to Business Profile”. You’ll need to make sure your account is set to Public as well. Enter the required info and tap “Done”. It’s that easy! *note* if you haven’t already it is important to be added as an admin to the associated Facebook page. 

2. Social Selling Strategizing

Strategy is the key when making the most of promoting IG posts. It’s worthwhile having the post you’re going to be promoting ready before you start. The reason is, you can make choices not just on what you post and who you’ll promote it to, but also where they’ll see it. With Instagram your posts will appear in both the stories and feed sections of a user’s account. If you’d like to choose not to have your post appear in stories, then you’ll need to use Facebook’s ad manager. Both are viable options, but the manager interface has a lot more options than Instagram natively offers so if you have admin privileges on the associated Facebook account and it’s connected already, then it’s advisable to make use of the more robust system. 

Now think of the end user and how they’ll be seeing your post. If you’ve already defined your ideal client, you should be able to see competing brands. Scour the more popular ones on IG and look at what has performed better for them. This can give you real insight into what will be more effective for your own posts. Once you’ve settled on your creative and you know who it’s designed for, it’s time to promote it. 

3. Powerful Post Promotion 

Depending on your choice of promoting through Instagram or through Facebook Ads Manager, you’ll have a lot of options here. First post your creative. By the way, if you haven’t reviewed our guide to building your business on Instagram yet, you should. This will ensure your post is optimized for performance before you even start paying. Now go back to your post and look at the bottom right and where it says “Promote” you simply tap on IG. 

Once you have tapped it, you will see several options for who you want to reach, how long you will be running your promoted video or post, and how much you are willing to pay to reach them. The options may be limited for who you can reach so make note of who you’ve tried to reach with the post and next time you can try different parameters to see if they will be more effective. It is never as straightforward as you hope it will be.

Look for associated interests that your ideal client will have or broad categories they fall into. If you’re promoting through Facebook Ads, you’ll need to go to log into your Facebook profile associated with the business and select “Ads Manager”. You’ll need to navigate through to the IG Ad level for this. The process through Ads Manager is much more complicated but has a lot more options. You’ll select the creative by clicking “Use Existing Post”. You’ll then be able to select the associated Instagram account and choose your post from there. Your options here for targeting are much better. 

This method is an intermediate level exercise so if you’re new to using social media for your business or you’re just not finding the interface intuitive enough, give us a call. This process shouldn’t take a long time so if you’re struggling at all have us do the heavy lifting for you. If you’ve managed to find your way through the IG settings and you have it set up right, you’ll just choose budget and duration and you’re all set. It's easy to understand the complexities of getting this all done right. Taking a stab at it with a test post and small budget is very advisable if you’re planning on tackling this yourself. Instagram has over 700 million active monthly users and it’s still growing. 

The social selling interface can change without warning and it’s always being refined to provide even better reach for promoted posts, so don’t treat this lightly. Think of it as though you were putting up a traditional ad. With an ad in a magazine you might get your creative seen by thousands of people and this is the same as with your IG profile. This is the outward representation of your business, so treat this part of it like any aspect of your business like a true social media marketing professional.

I hope you enjoyed this article about how to boost business with Instagram ads and profitable promotional posts.

Interested in reading more articles about social selling? 

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- The Importance Of Social Proof And Social Media

- The Pros And Cons Of Pinterest And Instagram

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